Crowdfunding campaign to bring uplifting news stories to frontline healthcare workers surpasses 60 per cent of its target in first week
A crowdfunding campaign to fund the distribution of thousands of copies of Positive News magazine to NHS workers is almost two thirds of the way towards its goal after one week.
The team behind Positive News hopes that by providing free copies of the magazine to NHS workers, it will bring them some respite from the psychological pressures of the coronavirus crisis.
In the first week of the four-week campaign, more than £7,600 has been contributed by 250 supporters, which is 60 per cent of the fundraising target. This amount will enable more than 2,500 copies of Positive News magazine to be distributed to healthcare workers.
“Two of my best friends are student nurses. I know how tough they find shifts and Positive News always cheers them up! A wonderful idea,” commented one of the backers of the campaign, Samantha Nead, on the crowdfunding page.
The initial target of the crowdfunding campaign is to gift 4,000 copies, which will be distributed directly to individual NHS staff as well as to hospitals. For every £3 contributed, a copy of Positive News magazine will go to a nurse, doctor or other NHS worker. This is half the usual price and covers the cost of printing and posting each copy.
Any NHS employee or hospital can request a copy of Positive News magazine, while the public can also nominate NHS workers who they know, to receive a copy.
“We’ve been touched by our readers’ generosity and the large number of comments that have been posted with their contributions,” said Sean Wood, CEO of Positive News. “Many people are sharing their appreciation for Positive News and for the NHS workers who the magazine will be reaching.”

Sarah Blackbourn, an NHS worker and a Positive News subscriber, commented that she finds the magazine “a real boost to my emotional and psychological wellbeing.”
“We can never thank you enough. Stay safe, well and happy,” was the message left for frontline workers by Karen Allen. “Deep gratitude to everyone working hard to help others,” commented Louise Ann Knight. And Catherine Pegram wishes for the magazine to help healthcare workers “feel some positivity and have refreshed hope in the future”. She added: “Stay strong and safe, you are valued.”
Wood said the Positive News team admires how much its readers want other people to benefit from their journalism too. “We’re really looking forward to hearing back from hospitals and NHS workers, as the magazines reach them, about the difference Positive News is making – and to then sharing this feedback with everyone who is enthusiastically supporting the campaign.”
A comment left by Martin Biggs when backing the crowdfund summed up the spirit of the campaign: “We need to keep hope alive and Positive News makes a great contribution to this.”