Articles by Alexander Turner

Image for Meet the plastic-hunting ‘pirates’ of Cornwall
Meet the plastic-hunting ‘pirates’ of Cornwall The pirates’ bounty is melted down to make sea kayaks, which are then used to collect more rubbish Conservation Environment Positive People Society
Image for Seeds of the people: how communities are protecting the future of food
Seeds of the people: how communities are protecting the future of food The pandemic has galvanised a new movement of growers and seed-savers: could this be the start of a fresh era of seed diversity? Agriculture Environment Food Lifestyle Society Wellbeing
Image for Hope 100: The mayor with an ambitious plan to tackle inequality
Hope 100: The mayor with an ambitious plan to tackle inequality The first black mayor of a UK city has a bold plan for Bristol Politics Society UK
Image for What lies beneath: can the subterranean world show us how to be better citizens?
What lies beneath: can the subterranean world show us how to be better citizens? Nature writer Robert Macfarlane tackles everything from prehistoric cave paintings to buried nu-clear waste in his latest book. Travelling t... Environment Society
Image for Where the wild things are: the magic of bothies
Where the wild things are: the magic of bothies Bothying began in the 1930s, when groups of hillwalkers would shelter from the elements in dis-used farm buildings. Dedicated volunteers hav... Conservation Travel UK

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