Tag: University

Image for Mind the gaps: how one UK university is working to support its least advantaged students Positive.News | Partners
Mind the gaps: how one UK university is working to support its least advantaged students Amid the cost of living crisis, one university has launched a plan to address the financial and educational inequalities students face Written in partnership with University of York
Image for Undergrads can now study social progress
Undergrads can now study social progress Could a new ‘social change’ degree help to inspire solutions to some of the world’s most pressing social issues? Education Society UK
Image for University teaches students how to be happy
University teaches students how to be happy The course was developed in response to growing concerns around the mental health of students Body & Mind Society Wellbeing
Image for University ditches beef to beat climate change
University ditches beef to beat climate change The move forms part of Goldsmiths’ pledge to reach carbon neutrality by 2025 Environment Food UK
Image for What do you do at the end of term with no home to go to?
What do you do at the end of term with no home to go to? For years, a group of vulnerable students has been falling through the cracks. Now, a charity is making sure their voices are heard, with li... Society UK
Image for Happiness is… The most popular class in Yale University’s history
Happiness is… The most popular class in Yale University’s history What’s the secret to happiness? This course at Yale University sets out to answer the question – and it has proved extremely popular Science Society World
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