Tag: meat

Image for What happened when a burger chain panicked about the planet?
What happened when a burger chain panicked about the planet? Beef has become symbolic of all that’s wrong with our food system. But this burger chain could no longer ignore the problem Economics Environment Good Business Health Lifestyle
Image for Lab-grown meat is here. Can it save our bacon?
Lab-grown meat is here. Can it save our bacon? No-kill burgers, low-carbon steaks, rewilded farms – that’s what the cultured meat industry promises. Can it deliver? Agriculture Environment Food Lifestyle Society Wellbeing
Image for One in three Britons is now eating no or less meat, finds report
One in three Britons is now eating no or less meat, finds report A fifth of people are now ‘flexitarian’ – trying to eat more plant-based meals without ditching meat altogether – a new poll by Waitrose sug... Environment UK

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