Tag: Forest

Image for Cutting-edge tech is guiding nature restoration in the UK’s forests
Cutting-edge tech is guiding nature restoration in the UK’s forests Bioacoustic listening devices and environmental DNA samples are giving Forestry England the ‘best ever’ data on wildlife species Conservation Environment Innovation Science Society
Image for We want to know: what do forests mean to you? Positive.News | Partners
We want to know: what do forests mean to you? Whether you are a tree hugger, forest bather or just love being in nature, what are the most meaningful experiences you’ve had with trees? Written in partnership with Forestry England
Image for As the First Nations know, forests are ‘music to the soul’
As the First Nations know, forests are ‘music to the soul’ In the Australian Wet Tropics region, restoration work is under way to protect the world’s oldest continuously surviving tropical rainforest... Body & Mind Environment Lifestyle Society Wellbeing
Image for The Indigenous forest collective restoring a corner of California
The Indigenous forest collective restoring a corner of California A community of marginalised people in California are using Indigenous knowledge and scientific data to restore habitats at scale Body & Mind Environment Lifestyle Society
Image for Ethiopia sets a new world record for trees planted in a single day
Ethiopia sets a new world record for trees planted in a single day More than 350 million trees were planted as part of the government-led project to counter deforestation Environment World
Image for Costa Rica doubles its forest cover in 30 years
Costa Rica doubles its forest cover in 30 years Forest now accounts for 52 per cent of the country’s land surface area, up from 26 per cent in 1983 Environment World
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