Tag: sustainable transport

Image for New carbon-free ferry service sets sail from Dover – and we’re onboard
New carbon-free ferry service sets sail from Dover – and we’re onboard A new ferry between England and France aims to significantly cut the CO2 emissions of crossing the Channel Environment Travel
Image for Plugging the charging gap: how Manchester plans to spark EV adoption Positive.News | Partners
Plugging the charging gap: how Manchester plans to spark EV adoption The UK’s charging infrastructure is nowhere near where it needs to be. So who will build – and fund – the revolution? Written in partnership with Abundance
Image for ‘Cities have been invaded by cars. Now they are being liberated’
‘Cities have been invaded by cars. Now they are being liberated’ Private vehicles are being designed out of urban areas with encouraging results for communities and businesses Economics Environment Health Transition News UK Wellbeing World
Image for Helsinki residents encouraged to reduce emissions with new ‘Think Sustainably’ app
Helsinki residents encouraged to reduce emissions with new ‘Think Sustainably’ app New service lists local businesses such as restaurants and hotels as well as attractions and public transport options, ranked against sustai... Culture Energy Environment Sustainable Development Travel World
Image for France set to ban sale of all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040
France set to ban sale of all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040 France is set to ban the sale of any car that uses petrol or diesel fuel by 2040. The country’s ecology minister called it a “revolution” Environment
Image for Nepali cyclist reaches halfway point in world tour promoting social justice
Nepali cyclist reaches halfway point in world tour promoting social justice He has fought a tribe of monkeys, survived several accidents and is nine years into an epic adventure. Tom Lawson catches up with explorer F... Environment Justice Positive People

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Read, swap, repeat: secondhand book recycling platform launches in the UK

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