Tag: pesticides

Image for Organic diet ‘dramatically reduces exposure to toxic pesticides’
Organic diet ‘dramatically reduces exposure to toxic pesticides’ A report has found that levels of glyphosate in adults and children fell significantly after just one week of eating organic Agriculture Environment Health Wellbeing
Image for Out with pesticides, in with wildflowers
Out with pesticides, in with wildflowers Tailored strips of wildflowers allow pest-eating insects to spread throughout crop fields, reducing the need for pesticides. We meet the tea... Environment
Image for Five ways to make your garden or green space more bee-friendly Positive.News | Partners
Five ways to make your garden or green space more bee-friendly Gardeners have a role to play in helping bees, no matter how small the growing space available. Read on for five tips to make your green pat... Written in partnership with Ecotricity
Image for The people v Monsanto: corporation to face ‘moral tribunal’
The people v Monsanto: corporation to face ‘moral tribunal’ Agrochemical company Monsanto will be the subject of a ‘moral tribunal’ at The Hague Agriculture Environment Justice
Image for Pesticides ban is a triumph for people power, and Europe
Pesticides ban is a triumph for people power, and Europe The push for a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides – believed to be linked to a dramatic decline in the populations of bees and other pollinator... Environment Perspective
Image for EC proposes pesticide ban to protect honeybees
EC proposes pesticide ban to protect honeybees Following a citizens’ campaign, a Europe-wide ban on pesticides posing a danger to bees is being considered, as B&Q and other retailers remo... Conservation Environment
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