Tag: Permaculture

Image for Growing a movement: 25 years of Permaculture magazine
Growing a movement: 25 years of Permaculture magazine In September 1992, Maddy and Tim Harland published the first issue of Permaculture magazine. On the publication’s 25th anniversary, we find ... Environment
Image for Abundance and other lessons from nature
Abundance and other lessons from nature Permaculture practitioner and author Stefan Geyer reflects on the principle of abundance as a framework for better relationships with each o... Opinion
Image for The people v Monsanto: corporation to face ‘moral tribunal’
The people v Monsanto: corporation to face ‘moral tribunal’ Agrochemical company Monsanto will be the subject of a ‘moral tribunal’ at The Hague Agriculture Environment Justice
Image for Rebuilding Gaza from the grassroots
Rebuilding Gaza from the grassroots Permaculture is often associated with agriculture, but now a global network of environmentalists, development professionals and entrepreneur... Democracy Peace Politics Society Sustainable Development
Image for Growing your own food is daunting, but everyone starts somewhere
Growing your own food is daunting, but everyone starts somewhere Would-be veg growers are often deterred by the seeming complexity of home-growing, but as permaculture columnist Nicole Vosper says, it’s a ... A permaculture journey
Image for Finding the energy to redesign our lives
Finding the energy to redesign our lives Permaculture columnist Nicole Vopser explains controversial energy extraction methods and considers the energy rewards that permaculture can... A permaculture journey
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image for Read, swap, repeat: secondhand book recycling platform launches in the UK

Read, swap, repeat: secondhand book recycling platform launches in the UK

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