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A permaculture journey
Growing your own food is daunting, but everyone starts somewhere
Would-be veg growers are often deterred by the seeming complexity of home-growing, but as permaculture columnist Nicole Vosper says, it’s a ...
A permaculture journey
Finding the energy to redesign our lives
Permaculture columnist Nicole Vopser explains controversial energy extraction methods and considers the energy rewards that permaculture can...
A permaculture journey
Honouring our trees
Nicole Vosper considers the magic and beauty of trees – and how to care for them – during the winter months
A permaculture journey
Applying permaculture beyond the garden
Permaculture columnist Nicole Vopser explains how she has been using the principles of nature to act more effectively in caring for the Eart...
A permaculture journey
Bringing the land to life
Permaculture apprentice Nicole Vosper sees her dreams coming to fruition as her medicine garden takes shape
A permaculture journey
Designing for the inside
There is something about the winter that pulls you inside. Not just indoors, but inside yourself as the short cold days and the dark nights ...
A permaculture journey
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