
Image for ‘A common vision for a world without war’: artists redesign the iconic peace symbol
‘A common vision for a world without war’: artists redesign the iconic peace symbol Prints of the fresh interpretations of the well-known symbol have been sold to raise money for charity Arts Culture Lifestyle Peace Society
Image for Life after: Being a leader in the far right
Life after: Being a leader in the far right For almost two decades, Nigel Bromage was a key figure in the British far right. What made him leave his hate-filled path? Lifestyle Peace Politics Society UK
Image for Remote rescue: how aviation skills picked up in the RAF during the second world war can save lives today Positive.News | Partners
Remote rescue: how aviation skills picked up in the RAF during the second world war can save lives today What if they took these newly acquired skills and used them as a force for good, not destruction? Written in partnership with Maf UK
Image for Gaza’s children: play in a time of crisis
Gaza’s children: play in a time of crisis In Gaza, psychological first aid projects like the Free Gaza Circus are providing play, support and laughter amid a bitter war Culture Justice Lifestyle Peace Society World
Image for Bridging the divide: 12 groups working for Israel-Palestine peace
Bridging the divide: 12 groups working for Israel-Palestine peace Despite the awful escalation of violence, these grassroots groups remain committed to achieving peace. Here’s how Peace Politics Society World
Image for The Kyiv bakery that refuses to shut up shop
The Kyiv bakery that refuses to shut up shop A Kyiv bakery is boosting the relief effort in war-torn Ukraine, and has inspired the world’s top bakers to create a recipe book Food Good Business Peace Society World
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