Image for Midwives launch not-for-profit ‘trying to conceive’ kit

Midwives launch not-for-profit ‘trying to conceive’ kit

A group of midwives hope to boost people’s chances of conceiving, by launching a free hub that breaks down the science of conception

A group of midwives hope to boost people’s chances of conceiving, by launching a free hub that breaks down the science of conception

In any one year, an estimated 3 million people in the UK try to conceive. Around a third of such couples get pregnant in the first month and 80 per cent in the first year of trying. 

Some couples seek help from their GP, only to be told to come back after trying without success for 12 or even 24 months. 

Now, a group of midwives hope to boost people’s chances, by launching a free-to-access hub that breaks down the science of conception. Videos, blogs, an ovulation chart and calculator and a downloadable e-book feature in the hub at 

The organisation’s Trying To Conceive kit – which costs £15 – includes a book, ovulation sticks, a thermometer to measure basal body temperature and pregnancy tests. 

Lesley Gilchrist, a midwife and CEO of My Expert Midwife, described it as a “no-frills toolkit” that can help people track their cycles at an “accessible” price. 

How to conceive

Lesley Gilchrist and team hope to guide people through the science of conception. Image: My Expert Midwife

She noted that planning and preparing to become pregnant is associated with better outcomes for women, children and families. 

Two-thirds of 164 respondents to a survey, who had all taken longer than three months to conceive, said there wasn’t enough support available for couples trying to conceive.

Main image: John Looy

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