Tag: Young people

Image for ‘Don’t scare us, and use our words’ say teens behind anti-sextortion campaign
‘Don’t scare us, and use our words’ say teens behind anti-sextortion campaign 
Relatable language, fast-paced messaging and avoiding scare tactics are key to the new project, thanks to the input of Scottish teens Lifestyle Society Wellbeing Youth
Image for Playing between the lines: the orchestra that performs in car parks
Playing between the lines: the orchestra that performs in car parks By performing in unconventional spaces, The Multi-Story Orchestra brings classical music to young people who may not otherwise encounter it Arts Culture Lifestyle UK
Image for Wanted: young people to conserve Britain’s oceans (and get paid)
Wanted: young people to conserve Britain’s oceans (and get paid) A social enterprise has launched in Britain to provide marine conservation jobs in deprived coastal communities Conservation Environment Good Business Social Enterprise UK
Image for Children’s comic competition celebrates ‘misunderstood’ spiders
Children’s comic competition celebrates ‘misunderstood’ spiders Spiders have a bad reputation that is undeserved. A comic book competition sought to address that Arts Conservation Culture Environment
Image for How young people are tackling the climate crisis and five ways to help them Positive.News | Partners
How young people are tackling the climate crisis and five ways to help them From restoring habitats to writing their own climate bill, young people are leading the way in tackling the climate crisis Written in partnership with Simple
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Read, swap, repeat: secondhand book recycling platform launches in the UK

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