Tag: Transport

Image for ‘Getting a bike was a resurrection’: the project donating bicycles to refugees Positive.News | Partners
‘Getting a bike was a resurrection’: the project donating bicycles to refugees Transport poverty is a growing concern for people seeking asylum in the UK. The Bike Project provides a solution Written in partnership with The Bike Project
Image for The dawn of the 1,000km battery
The dawn of the 1,000km battery China's 'condensed' battery breakthrough could power long-range electric cars and planes, and will be in mass production later this year Environment Science Travel
Image for Airships are back to clean up aviation. Will they take off?
Airships are back to clean up aviation. Will they take off? The low-carbon future of aviation could be powered by a relic from its past. The blimps are back. Who’s on board? Environment Innovation Lifestyle Travel
Image for The pedal-powered revolution that’s coming to a town near you
The pedal-powered revolution that’s coming to a town near you It all started in a small town in Catalonia. Now a citizen-led initiative to get kids to school safely by bicycle is going global Lifestyle Society Travel
Image for Women made: Africa’s electric motorbike revolution
Women made: Africa’s electric motorbike revolution Smut-belching motorbikes are a big driver of pollution in Africa. The race to get them off the road just stepped up a gear Environment Innovation Travel
Image for Green travel: the low-cost rail firms taking on Europe’s airlines
Green travel: the low-cost rail firms taking on Europe’s airlines Across the continent, low-cost rail firms are launching new routes to tempt passengers out of the skies. Are they winning? Environment Society Travel
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