Tag: Reframing the Facts

Image for Are you a human supremacist?
Are you a human supremacist? “There is a whole world waiting for us, ready to welcome us home,” says environmental philosopher Derrick Jensen. He explains our near-unive... Environment
Image for Fascinating facts: the intelligence of nature
Fascinating facts: the intelligence of nature From ‘tuned in’ spiders to signal-sending plants, nature has its very own advanced intelligence networks Environment
Image for Debunking the selfish myth
Debunking the selfish myth We often feel bad about cheating the system or good about giving to charity, but how fundamental is altruism? George Constable and Tim Roger... Body & Mind Science
Image for Chewing the facts on sustainable diets
Chewing the facts on sustainable diets Changing the way our food is produced, distributed and wasted can seem out of reach, but what we choose to consume has a major impact on bot... Agriculture Environment

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