Tag: Memory

Image for Blood test could detect Alzheimer’s more than 10 years earlier
Blood test could detect Alzheimer’s more than 10 years earlier An international team has discovered that a blood protein can help precisely monitor the progression of Alzheimer's disease years before obv... Health Science
Image for The font that helps you remember
The font that helps you remember Sans Forgetica is more difficult to read than most typefaces – and that’s by design. It prompts readers to engage in deeper processing, boos... Science Society
Image for Music to trigger memories in people with dementia
Music to trigger memories in people with dementia A website has been launched to help people with dementia reconnect with their memories via music Science
Image for The project that uses photos to understand loss
The project that uses photos to understand loss Photographer Simon Bray explains why he started Loved and Lost, an online project for people to tell the stories behind photos of loved ones... Lifestyle Opinion Society

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image for Read, swap, repeat: secondhand book recycling platform launches in the UK

Read, swap, repeat: secondhand book recycling platform launches in the UK

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