Tag: kindness

Image for Tell us: when have you experienced the kindness of strangers?
Tell us: when have you experienced the kindness of strangers? From well-chosen words at a time of need, to practical help in a tight spot: when have you benefited from the goodwill of people you don’t k... Lifestyle Perspective Society Wellbeing
Image for The secret ingredient for optimum health? Kindness, says this fitness expert Positive.News | Partners
The secret ingredient for optimum health? Kindness, says this fitness expert A unique health programme that focuses on self-kindness will launch in January Written in partnership with The Kindness Revolution
Image for Small acts of kindness are frequent and universal, finds study
Small acts of kindness are frequent and universal, finds study According to scientists, humans are wired for kindness, irrespective of the culture they’re from or where they live Culture Lifestyle Society
Image for The shop where the currency is kindness Positive.News | Partners
The shop where the currency is kindness Introducing the shop that’s pioneering a new type of retail – one where goods are exchanged not for cash, but time. Will the idea catch on? Written in partnership with Simple
Image for These are the world’s happiest countries, according to new research
These are the world’s happiest countries, according to new research Amid other insights, the latest World Happiness Report reveals the most satisfied places on Earth. How did your country rank? Society Wellbeing
Image for Cultivating a new generation of leaders who put nature first Positive.News | Partners
Cultivating a new generation of leaders who put nature first What does strong leadership look like in a world facing a climate emergency? There projects are redefining the meaning of success Written in partnership with Simple
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