Tag: Imagine5

Image for Has plastic pollution reached its tipping point?
Has plastic pollution reached its tipping point? As the UN prepares to sign a major treaty on plastic pollution, are we on the brink of unstoppable positive change? Economics Environment Social Enterprise Society Sustainable Development
Image for The motley (star-studded) crew that paved the way for Norway’s EV revolution
The motley (star-studded) crew that paved the way for Norway’s EV revolution The unlikely trio drove a makeshift electric car across Norway in the 80s, to highlight that policies around EVs needed to move up a gear Environment Innovation Science Society Technology World
Image for The farm that grows vegetables in the middle of the desert
The farm that grows vegetables in the middle of the desert This Jordanian farm shows it’s possible to grow vegetables in the unlikeliest places, using lo-fi tech that’s widely available Environment Food World
Image for Positive tipping points could save the climate – this man is showing us how
Positive tipping points could save the climate – this man is showing us how Instead of focusing on what doom might lie ahead, scientists are identifying positive tipping points that could save us Environment Science Society
Image for Is the key to fixing the climate in our heads?
Is the key to fixing the climate in our heads? ‘Apocalypse fatigue’ is out, constructive narratives in. How new ways of communicating about the climate can inspire action Body & Mind Environment Lifestyle Society

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