Tag: Hope 100 society

Image for Hope 100: Five groups challenging the status quo of politics and policy
Hope 100: Five groups challenging the status quo of politics and policy From party politics to national economics, progress is happening to bring under-represented groups and a wider range of voices to the table Economics Politics Society
Image for Hope 100: Making tech kinder
Hope 100: Making tech kinder Two initiatives tackling online bullying Society Technology
Image for Hope 100: Empowering communities in different ways
Hope 100: Empowering communities in different ways Five community-powered initiatives, from a food partnership programme to an independence movement Society
Image for Hope 100: Helping people on to a better path
Hope 100: Helping people on to a better path Two initiatives teaching skills to prisoners and young people arrested for drug related offences Justice Society
Image for Hope 100: Three initiatives improving affordable housing
Hope 100: Three initiatives improving affordable housing These three initiatives offer sustainable solutions to the problem of affordable housing Society Sustainable Development
Image for Hope 100: Making life easier for those worst off
Hope 100: Making life easier for those worst off Six initiatives helping those worst off in society, from thermal shelters for homeless people to an organisation offering free sanitary prod... Society
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