Tag: global warming

Image for ‘Essential leaders’: why empowering women is key to tackling the climate crisis
‘Essential leaders’: why empowering women is key to tackling the climate crisis Women are more likely to be impacted by the climate emergency than men – and they may also be our best hope in solving it Environment Food Justice Society Sustainable Development World
Image for Could we beat global warming? 5 megatrends to look out for
Could we beat global warming? 5 megatrends to look out for The news when it comes to climate change isn’t exclusively catastrophic. Quick-developing global megatrends suggest the fight is not over y... Environment Science Society
Image for ‘Trump can’t cancel the momentum behind the Paris climate deal’
‘Trump can’t cancel the momentum behind the Paris climate deal’ World leaders, cities, businesses and communities have vowed to press ahead with the Paris climate deal after President Trump announces the ... Environment
Image for UK to halve carbon emissions by 2025
UK to halve carbon emissions by 2025 New targets see Britain take the lead on climate change Money Politics Sustainable Development

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