Tag: peak oil

Image for Transition movement to host first international conference
Transition movement to host first international conference The Transition movement has expanded rapidly over the last decade, and now more than 27 countries boast National Hubs championing the initia... Society Transition News
Image for Walking the Talk: Transition Network Conference 2012
Walking the Talk: Transition Network Conference 2012 How can communities work together to become stronger and happier? Kathleen Cassidy found out at this year’s Transition Network Conference Society
Image for What if… there was a transition festival?
What if… there was a transition festival? The Festival of Transition, a UK-wide celebration of grassroots responses to climate change, will take place in the run-up to and during th... Environment
Image for ‘What people do when they’re driven is extraordinary’
‘What people do when they’re driven is extraordinary’ As a new feature film showcases one of the most innovative and rapidly expanding social movements of our time, Caspar Walsh catches up with ... Positive People Society Transition News

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