Tag: israel

Image for Bridging the divide: 12 groups working for Israel-Palestine peace
Bridging the divide: 12 groups working for Israel-Palestine peace Despite the awful escalation of violence, these grassroots groups remain committed to achieving peace. Here’s how Peace Politics Society World
Image for Celebrating the beauty of Holocaust survivors
Celebrating the beauty of Holocaust survivors Women who survived the horrors of the second world war have taken part in an unconventional beauty pageant Society
Image for New blood bank to benefit migratory birds
New blood bank to benefit migratory birds Dodging crossfire, predators and climate change - migratory species are being helped by the world’s first blood bank for birds Conservation Environment
Image for Peace in the Middle East: international co-operation and learning from Northern Ireland are key
Positive News Peace in the Middle East: international co-operation and learning from Northern Ireland are key The role of the Arab league and the US, and the lessons that can be learned from the Northern Ireland peace process, are key to reaching pea... Democracy Opinion Peace Politics

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