Tag: Ethex

Image for Not your average bank statement: what 10 years of impact investing looks like Positive.News | Partners
Not your average bank statement: what 10 years of impact investing looks like With millions of pounds raised over the last decade, we take a look at the impact that investors on the not-for-profit investment platform E... Written in partnership with Ethex
Image for Community solar is set to surge in the UK – and you can have a piece of the pie Positive.News | Partners
Community solar is set to surge in the UK – and you can have a piece of the pie The community solar movement is about to get a major boost in England and Wales. It's good news for people and planet Written in partnership with Ethex
Image for The organisation transforming derelict homes – and how to support it Positive.News | Partners
The organisation transforming derelict homes – and how to support it In Leeds, a family becomes homeless every seven hours, while over 4,000 properties lie derelict. This organisation is finding a solution Written in partnership with Ethex
Image for ‘Majority of people keen for their wealth to have positive impact’ finds study
‘Majority of people keen for their wealth to have positive impact’ finds study More than half of people in the UK are keen for their wealth to have a positive impact on society, research finds Economics Society

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