Tag: documentary

Image for A powerful new film shows nature restoration in action Positive.News | Partners
A powerful new film shows nature restoration in action A documentary shot in England showcases novel ideas for restoring nature across our cities, land and seas Written in partnership with Triodos Bank
Image for Constructive criticism: three documentary films that changed the world
Constructive criticism: three documentary films that changed the world Although the world may benefit from more positive film-making, films that expose problems have a valuable place too. Here are three document... Arts Culture Lifestyle Society
Image for ‘Forget sleaze, money and violence. Film-making should expose greatness’
‘Forget sleaze, money and violence. Film-making should expose greatness’ Millions of people worldwide are turned off by the excessive violence, doom and negativity on TV and in films. It’s time that film-makers sh... Arts Culture Lifestyle Opinion Society

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