Tag: blindness

Image for ‘I see my disability as a positive’: the blind women who detect breast cancer
‘I see my disability as a positive’: the blind women who detect breast cancer A project training blind women to detect breast cancer is saving lives,​ and offering them meaningful work Health Society Wellbeing
Image for Shared senses: how sighted travellers are helping blind adventurers explore the world
Shared senses: how sighted travellers are helping blind adventurers explore the world Traveleyes’ tours challenge sighted travellers to guide blind fellow holidaymakers. We hear from sighted guide Joan Stead and visually impai... Travel
Image for Blindness breakthroughs herald hope for the partially sighted
Blindness breakthroughs herald hope for the partially sighted As a new gene therapy trial helps restore the sight of a partially sighted man, Edward Lander considers the developments that are repairing ... Health
Image for Retinal ‘implants’ could restore sight for millions
Retinal 'implants' could restore sight for millions A team of scientists has developed a groundbreaking microchip that could help millions of visually impaired people regain their vision Science

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