Israeli and Palestinian farmers unite over olive oil

A project is fostering cooperation and trust among Palestinians and Israelis in the olive oil industry

Olive Oil Without Borders has worked with thousands of Palestinians and Israelis in 34 farming communities since its formation in 2011. It is spearheaded by the Near East Foundation which works on economic development in Africa and the Middle East. The project focuses on building economic partnerships, and in so doing promotes peace and reconciliation.

“There is no real border between Israel and Palestine,” Muhammad Hamudi, an olive farmer and oil producer from Asira al-Shamaliya in the West Bank told Good magazine.

“Today the border is here, tomorrow it will be there. The olive oil market has no borders as well.
The bridge to the global market is the same bridge for everyone.”

In three years, Hamudi has reportedly tripled production, improved the quality and purity of his olive oil and increased his income.

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