Tag: TED

Image for Can conscious hunting save the world?
Can conscious hunting save the world? Whether we’re searching for food or love, we’re all hunters in some form – but it’s how we choose to fulfil that instinct that determines ou... Opinion
Image for Ideas Worth Spreading #4: Taking risks
Ideas Worth Spreading #4: Taking risks Our pick of TED Talks that look at the benefits of risk-taking Ideas worth spreading
Image for Ideas worth spreading #3: Dynamic education
Ideas worth spreading #3: Dynamic education This month we consider two TED talks that explore vibrant, unconventional approaches to education Ideas worth spreading
Image for ‘Censored’ TED speakers call for public debate
‘Censored’ TED speakers call for public debate Biologist Rupert Sheldrake and author Graham Hancock have called for a public debate on issues at the edge of mainstream science, after thei... Ideas worth spreading
Image for Ideas worth spreading #2: Tell a good story
Ideas worth spreading #2: Tell a good story The second entry in a regular blog reviewing our pick of the most inspiring videos on offer in the TED talks series, which showcases visiona... Ideas worth spreading
Image for Visionary ideas converge at London TEDx event
Visionary ideas converge at London TEDx event We must challenge our ideas about what is real and possible if we are to create a ‘more beautiful world’, claim a group of innovators who ca... Culture
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