Tag: migrants

Image for New museum puts migration at the heart of Britain’s story
New museum puts migration at the heart of Britain’s story As migration sits at the centre of current debates concerning Britain’s identity and place in the world, the UK’s first dedicated museum abo... Arts Society
Image for ‘UK would grind to a halt without migrants’, say economists as thousands celebrate their contribution
‘UK would grind to a halt without migrants’, say economists as thousands celebrate their contribution The UK economy would lose £328m – or four per cent of total UK daily GDP – if migrants stopped working for the day, according to new researc... Economics
Image for Olympic hopefuls bring inspiration to refugee camp
Olympic hopefuls bring inspiration to refugee camp Kakuma refugee camp in north-west Kenya has been a place of celebration this week as residents cheer on their friends and family flying the ... Society
Image for Five ways ordinary people are helping refugees in Calais
Five ways ordinary people are helping refugees in Calais As the humanitarian crisis in Calais grows, the media is increasingly dominated with tales of savagery and menace in the refugee camps. But ... Positive People Society
Image for UN launches online consultation for young migrants
UN launches online consultation for young migrants The UN’s Youth division has run a four-week online consultation to engage with young international migrants. The results will be fed into th... Democracy

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