Tag: exhibition

Image for Making an exhibition of yourself: the gallery where anyone can add to the walls
Making an exhibition of yourself: the gallery where anyone can add to the walls Edinburgh Printmakers are urging anyone to add or move artworks around in a continuously evolving exhibition Arts Lifestyle Society
Image for The kindness of strangers: exhibition showcases items people have donated to refugees
The kindness of strangers: exhibition showcases items people have donated to refugees A touring exhibition, Museum Without A Home, tells the stories behind items people have donated to refugees and migrants Arts Culture Lifestyle Society
Image for Migration nation: exhibition highlights key moments that have shaped Britain
Migration nation: exhibition highlights key moments that have shaped Britain Amid uncertainty about the movement of people to and from the UK following the EU referendum, an exhibition presents pivotal moments in the ... Culture Society
Image for How forgiveness can break the cycle of vengeance
How forgiveness can break the cycle of vengeance Real life stories of forgiveness from the victims and perpetrators of crime and violence feature in a new interactive exhibition Arts

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