Tag: COP28

Image for What went right this week: a ‘landmark’ climate deal, plus more
What went right this week: a ‘landmark’ climate deal, plus more A ‘landmark’ climate deal was struck, a species came back from extinction, and New York teens got free therapy, plus more good news Environment Health Lifestyle Society UK World
Image for Even as the heat has been on in Dubai, the renewables juggernaut has gathered pace
Even as the heat has been on in Dubai, the renewables juggernaut has gathered pace The Cop28 agreement is imperfect yet significant – and one of a host of causes for optimism Environment Politics Society World
Image for What went right this week: the Amazon turned a corner, plus more
What went right this week: the Amazon turned a corner, plus more The Amazon turned a corner, there was progress at Cop28, and South Africa’s four-day week pilot brought ‘huge benefits’, plus more Environment Science Society UK World
Image for All eyes on Dubai: Cop28 and what you need to know
All eyes on Dubai: Cop28 and what you need to know Much hinges on the latest climate summit in Dubai. As it enters the second week, here's a quick rundown of the crucial event Environment Politics Society World

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