Why our writers love constructive journalism

As a unique media co-operative, Positive News is owned by both our readers and our journalists. Here, three of our writers – each also a shareholder – explain why they find working with us different

‘Stories that lead to change’

Freelance journalist Lauren Razavi has contributed to, among other sections, our Solutions Lab series. She says: “Positive News offers a place for writers to report on issues and explore stories that are constructive and solutions-oriented, which is something I’d love to see more of in the media generally.

“When I publish a story with Positive News, people often get in touch to say they felt inspired and did something brilliant after reading, such as getting involved with community projects or donating money to charity. That reaction to news is all too rare. It can make a real difference to people’s lives and their perceptions about the society they live in.”

People get in touch to say they felt inspired and did something brilliant after reading

‘A vital function’

Our travel editor Aaron Millar says: “I’m lucky to work with a range of publications from The Times to National Geographic Traveller magazine, CNN and more. But the articles I’m always proudest of are those I write for Positive News. I feel like we make a difference.

“We are able to cover things that otherwise wouldn’t have a voice – from ecological warnings from lost tribes, to a woman who writes sea shanties as she sails across the world. Through these stories, we hope to inspire people to love the Earth and live life to the full.

What we feed our minds matters

“But more than that, I believe Positive News provides a vital function for our society. What we feed our minds matters. If we nourish it only with fear and despair, then that’s the world we will unconsciously build.

“I’m proud to work for Positive News because it shows me time and again that humanity is not so cruel, and our problems not so insurmountable, as we might be led to think. You don’t change the world by shining a light on everything that’s broken and bad, you change it by reminding us of who we really are and who we’re striving to become.”


‘Rigorous, enquiring journalism’

Veronique Mistiaen is a freelance human rights journalist. “I like to contribute to Positive News because the magazine has the vision, creativity and commitment to go beyond the news,” she says.

“It goes one step further, asking: is this the full picture? Can we learn something from this? Is someone doing anything about it? These stories engage readers and bring hope and a sense of possibility. As a journalist, these are stories I love to report.”

These stories engage readers and bring hope and a sense of possibility

Positive News is the world’s first global media co-operative financed by crowdfunding. Read here how our #OwnTheMedia campaign helped create a blueprint for reader and journalist-owned media. Join our community that is changing the news for good by becoming a subscriber or supporter member today