We know there is a huge thirst for more constructive and compassionate journalism. We asked you, what stereotypical media narratives would you most like to see overturned?

Single mums are scroungers
– Rin H
Builders like football and ‘getting the job done’ to jaunty music
– Iain W
That people highlighting sexism/racism are whining
– Mitch

Tradesmen are all thick, thieving workshy ex-cons. That they all drink heavily and read The Sun
– Stephen P
That childless women past 30 are some kind of bizarre aberration, because of course all women must want kids
– Laura K

That all vegans are angry
– Fiona C
Interviewing women who are doing amazing things then asking them questions about makeup and clothes
– Robert F
The ‘dopey dad’ trope. Bad at DIY, especially bad at ‘mum-stuff’, and seem to exist solely as foils for mums and kids
– Matt H

Migrants don’t offer anything to society other than economic strain. That migrants come here for the benefits
– Yusuf P
The constant vilification of politicians for changing their mind on an issue. It’s not necessarily indicative of hypocrisy
– Gareth B
That economic growth is a good thing and nothing may stand in its way
– Wendy S

Engineers wear boilersuits and fix washing machines or photocopiers with spanners, rather than design things in an office
– Rob S
That England is Britain
– Steve H
That London is England
– Matt H

That anyone over 60 is called a pensioner and loses their identity
– Susan G
That women who are feminine/sexy/sex workers/models etc can’t be intelligent and strong, or also that they are automatically being exploited and somehow can’t be real feminists
– Mynxie M

Only liberal luvvies love art and culture
– Jonathan L
The myth that poverty is somehow the result of bad planning, lack of hard work, rather than circumstance or bad luck
– Michael C
‘Hippies’ used as a derogatory sneer
– Marie G

That success is measured only by the amount of money you earn. Lower paid menial jobs are for those who lack ambition or have a lower IQ. Having lost my managerial job in the NHS, I have worked as a bakery assistant for two years and I love it. But every day I have people assuming I am stupid because I only work in a shop. I chose a happier life over a high salary
– Katy G
Rich people can’t have problems because they have money
– Lee T

Success is a macho pact with misery and that it’s measured in £s
– Greg C
Unless you were born poor you must be utterly evil pursuing only the oppression of the masses for your own benefit
– Mary
That poor people are all lazy
– Jacob