Contribute to the Positive News fund

Thank you for answering our call for funding.

Please use the form below to easily and securely make a donation to our fundraising partner Positive News Trust (registered charity no.1045161), which supports our inspiring journalism.

To leave a message of support for our team, click the box next to ‘Write us a comment’ on the donation form below. We will share messages with the Positive News community to encourage others to contribute.

Thank you so much for backing our work to inform, inspire and empower people through journalism about progress and solutions.

Information about Gift Aid

If you’re an eligible UK tax payer, please tick the option in the above form to permit us to claim Gift Aid on your donation to Positive News Trust (registered charity no.1045161); boosting your contribution by 25% at no cost to you.

If you are a higher rate tax payer, you can claim back the difference between the rate you pay and the basic rate of tax on your donation. For example, if you donate £1,000 to Positive News Trust, the charity can claim Gift Aid to make your donation £1,250. You pay 40% tax so you can personally claim back £250.00 (£1,250 x 20%). For more information visit