New label helps shoppers swerve plastic packaging

A plastic-free ‘trust mark’ has been launched to help shoppers steer clear of products that are packaged in plastic

A plastic-free ‘trust mark’ has been launched to help shoppers steer clear of products that are packaged in plastic

UK supermarket chain Iceland is among the first to take up the mark, which sits on the front of plastic-free food and drink items. Iceland has carried the symbol on some of its own-label products since May.

The design was developed by campaign group A Plastic Planet, which helped launch the world’s first dedicated plastic-free supermarket aisle in Amsterdam. “Now we all know the damage our addiction to plastic has caused, we want to do the right thing and buy plastic-free,” said the group’s co-founder Sian Sutherland.

“But it is harder than you think. Our trust mark cuts through the confusion of symbols and labels and tells you just one thing – this packaging is plastic-free. Finally, shoppers can be part of the solution not the problem.”

Sian Sutherland, whose top features the plastic-free mark

Trust mark-accredited packaging will include materials such as carton board, wood pulp, glass, metal and certified-compostable biomaterials. To be eligible to carry the mark, products must have a minimum of 99 per cent plastic-free packaging.

The 1 per cent tolerance is to allow for tiny amounts of plastics that are found in colourings, glues and labels, said Sutherland.