More than 70 charities back the campaign, which calls on government to understand the real reasons people struggle
A new charity-led campaign aims to give a voice to those supported by the UK welfare state and to highlight the positive impact benefits can have on the lives of people who need them.
The Who Benefits? campaign has a website and Twitter hashtag (#WeAllBenefit), which allow people to share stories of how benefits have helped them. Some have been able to take their stories to parliament, as part of the campaign’s call for politicians to do more to understand the lives of people who have been supported by benefits and to focus on the real reasons that people are struggling.
Launched in October by The Children’s Society, Crisis, Gingerbread, Macmillan Cancer Support and Mind, the campaign is now supported by more than 70 charities and community groups.
Leslie Morphy, chief executive of Crisis, said: “All too often the reality of people’s situations are ignored, misrepresented or at worst even blamed. That’s why we want people to get involved with Who Benefits? – to ensure real voices are heard.”