Sanitary towel ad becomes first to show ‘real’ blood

Bodyform has become the first brand to make a TV advert featuring realistic-looking ‘blood’ on a sanitary pad rather than the traditional blue liquid

Menstrual blood has been depicted realistically for the first time in the UK in a TV ad. The 20-second clip by Bodyform shows realistic-looking blood on a sanitary towel, followed by shots of a woman with droplets 
of blood on her legs. In the past, blue liquid has been used instead.

Like any other taboo, the more people see it, the more normal the subject becomes

“Like any other taboo, the more people see it, the more normal the subject becomes. We remain committed to showing periods in everyday life, truthfully and honestly – because we feel it’s the right thing to do,” said Bodyform’s Traci Baxter.

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