In pictures: young photographers capture their love for the natural world

From a fluorescent jumping spider to a hungry kingfisher, we cast an eye over the shortlisted images in a competition designed to spark passion for wildlife conservation in young people

More than 500 photographs – including entries from every continent, from Bangladesh to Switzerland – were submitted in this year’s UN World Wildlife Day photo competition. The overall winner, selected from 10 finalists aged between 17 and 24, will be announced at the UN headquarters in New York today.

The competition aims to celebrate the world’s many and varied forms of wildlife. In line with this year’s theme, ‘through young eyes’, people aged between 10 and 24 were invited to submit their photographs of wildlife.

These images are a reminder of what we strive to protect every day

“We are inspired by the stunning photos,” said John Scanlon, secretary general at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the organisation behind UN World Wildlife Day.

“They truly celebrate the many beautiful and varied forms of wildlife. These images are a reminder of what we strive to protect every day. They graphically illustrate the talent of these young people and their passion for protecting wildlife.”


The finalists’ photographs

Heavy-bodied jumping spider (Hyllus semicupreus) by Md Rashidul Islam Rabby, 23

Group of crane flies (Tipulidae family) by Breech Asher Harani, 24

Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) by Gàbor Li, 17

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Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) by Swaroop Singha Roy, 22

Northern potoo (Nyctibius jamaicensis) by Jorge Figueroa, 24

Mantis (Empusidae family) by Nathan Horrenberger, 23

African lion (Panthera leo) by Damaris Lopez Zamora, 20
El Salvador

African flap-necked chameleon (Chamaeleo dilepis) by Samson Moyo, 19
South Africa

Wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii) by Ali Javed, 24

Confusing bumblebee (Bombus perplexus) by Gabriel Best, 19

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